Social and Environmental Compliance Unit - Case Registry

Welcome to the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU) Case Registry. Below you will find information about the SECU's open and closed cases.

Welcome to the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU) Case Registry. Below you will find information about the SECU's open and closed cases.
Case # | Date Registered | Country | Project Name | Status | Key Issue(s) |
SECU0001 | India | India High Range Mountain Landscape Project (IHRML) | Closed |
SECU0002 | Uganda | Business Call to Action Alliance | Closed |
SECU0003 | Bosnia and Herzegovi | UN response to BiH floods | Closed |
SECU0004 | Panama | Fortalecimiento institucional para la gestión basada en resultados del Ministerio de Relaciones Exte | Closed |
SECU0005 | Malawi | Malawi National Registration and Identification System | Closed |
SECU0006 | Lebanon | Solid Waste Management project | Closed |
SECU0007 | Jordan | "Mitigating the Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis..." and "Improving Solid Waste Management... and | Closed |
SECU0008 | Cameroon, Republic of | Integrated and Transboundary Conservation of Biodiversity in the Basins of the Republic of Cameroon | Open |
SECU0009 | Congo | Integrated and Transboundary Conservation of Biodiversity in the Basins of the Republic of Congo | Closed |
SECU0010 | Myanmar | Integrated Protected Area Land and Seascape Management in Tanintharyi (Ridge to Reef) | Open |
SECU0011 | Argentina | Mainstreaming Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Production Practices of Small Producers to Protect | Closed |
SECU0012 | Mauritius | Mainstreaming biodiversity into the management of the coastal zone in the Republic of Mauritius | Closed |
SECU0013 | Jordan | Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report under the UNFCCC (GEF) | Closed |
SECU0014 | India | Enhancing climate resilience of India’s coastal communities | Open |
SECU0015 | Kyrgyzstan | Socio-economic development of communities around radioactive sites in Kyrgyzstan | Open |
SECU0016 | Iraq | Funding Facility for Stabilization | Closed |
SECU0017 | Colombia | "Sector Privado y Agenda 2030" and related projects | Open |
SECU0018 | Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People – PAPP | PAPP Transboundary Wastewater Management in Attil / Tulkarem Governorate | Closed |
SECU0019 | Mozambique | Mozambique Recovery Facility | Closed |
SECU0020 | South Africa | MoU Between the United Nations Development Programme and Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone | Open |
SECU0021 | North Macedonia, Republic of | Integrated climate-resilient transboundary flood risk management in the Drin River basin in the West | Open |
SECU0022 | Iraq | Funding Facility for Stabilization | Open |
SECU0023 | Chad | Programme d’Appui au Développement Local et à la Finance Inclusive au Tchad (PADLFIT) | Open |
SECU0024 | Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People – PAPP | Promoting the Rule of Law in Palestine (Sawasya II) | Closed |
SECU0025 | Cambodia | SDG Impact – Catalysing private sector capital for the SDGs | Open |
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